The guy who's supposed to be better at hiring than Trump hired the dumbest, most incompetent idiots in politics.
Boy, DC, is it good to have you back! Don't ever leave us again. That's an order.
Mike!! What's up brother! Yeah, I'm going to really try to post a few times per week. I think I have my schedule finally somewhat normalized.
I'll forgive ya, but don't let it happen again. So glad to get this great news. I'll be looking forward to every one of them. Thanks!
Boy, DC, is it good to have you back! Don't ever leave us again. That's an order.
Mike!! What's up brother! Yeah, I'm going to really try to post a few times per week. I think I have my schedule finally somewhat normalized.
I'll forgive ya, but don't let it happen again. So glad to get this great news. I'll be looking forward to every one of them. Thanks!