The DeSantis Campaign was a Hilarious Dumpster Fire
The guy who's supposed to be better at hiring than Trump hired the dumbest, most incompetent idiots in politics.
This whole DeSantis thing is bittersweet, because I did like him at one point when he was loved by MAGA. He seemed to be a good governor, albeit a little RINO-ish on things, but as time passed, the illusion of competency began to dissipate.
He surrounded himself with losers, grifters, and the most idiotic consultants available in the political sphere.
The lies his team inserted into the fake news stream have been hilarious to watch because they’re so easy to debunk. They attempted to ride a wave of Trump dissatisfaction that was nothing more than a manifestation of the collective anti-Trump crowd TDS wet dreams, but in reality, never existed, and ironically red-pilling many who did have some concerns about Trump’s position on personnel decisions and actions during the vaxx bio-weapon.
Why are these people so dumb? It’s mostly driven by TDS, which mostly infects those with careers and livelihood dependent on easy money, either directly or indirectly, from those Trump opposes.
Never-Trumpers, like Steve Deace, Ben Shapiro, Will Chamberlain, and other such clowns CAN NOT accept that Trump is popular. Under no circumstance can that be even considered.
Trump not popular? Nobody would ever believe that, would they? Certainly no “influencer” or anyone making a living in political punditry would ever push that idiocy, right? Yes, they actually do.
See what we’re dealing with?
The guy who gets grown-ass men and women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and older to stand in line for 48 hours in heat, cold, or rain just for the chance to possibly make it into the venue like it was Woodstock just to hear him speak can’t draw anyone to his rallies.
See what I mean when I say dumb?
But why can’t they just admit Trump is popular and loved by America? Because it destroys their entire platform for grift, therefore it can’t be real, and there must be other reasons for why he’s not only NOT finished, but keeps coming back like goddamn Jason, Michael Myers, and Terminator all rolled into one.
Imagine your wealth and livelihood is based on supporting someone who’s popularity is an asset, much like a value of a company’s stock is important to an investor. Now imagine someone came along, shorted it, causing it to be exposed, and now you lost everything.
That’s what the DeSantis losers are experiencing right now. No more free rides. They’re grifters. “But DC, you have no proof of that!” They actually admit it.
Do you think Jebba Ellis overnight went from defending Disney against DeSantis to being the Kate Winslet of his Titanic just because?
In regards to the DeSantis campaign’s social media “influencers”, they’re an ugly bunch. Not personally, I mean looks-wise. Seriously.
I was shocked to learn that John Cardillo WAS NOT transitioning. You know you need to put down the cheesecakes and slowly back away from the table when Bruce Jenner says your tits are too big.
Christina Pushaw? She looks like she handed a picture of a duckbill platypus to her plastic surgeon and said “make me look like that!!” These are people not to be taken seriously, yet they’re the public face of the campaign.
What was the DeSantis campaign’s iceberg moment? It was the official launch on Twitter Spaces. The Titanic at least made it out of port and was in the middle of the ocean. The campaign imploded shortly thereafter. It’s actually more like the OceanGate sub, except with less talented engineers, and a more drastic implosion.
Their arguments against Trump were lies, and they fizzled fast. A few examples: Trump’s action on COVID, Fauci, and his administration hires.
A common point of idiocy spewed by DeSantis NPCs is “...but Operation Warp Speed!” Operation Warp Speed was the removal of red tape for the pharmaceutical companies to bring the vaxx products to market in a timely fashion. That’s it.
The act of removing red tape is not the same as pushing for an untested product and mandating it to be injected into the veins of the people, while keeping them locked down. If there were no OWS, we’d still be locked down probably to this day and people would still be dying from the jabs.
Trump was ALWAYS clear from the start that it’s your choice. He also promoted the alternatives, like HCQ and Ivermectin. Remember the horse pill stuff? You know about those jab alternatives because of Trump. It’s common sense that Trump didn’t put on a lab coat and work on the vaccines himself; you can blame the pharmaceutical companies for lying about their products.
Trump made it so the pharmaceutical companies could more quickly offer their products to those who wanted it and scared of being labeled “anti-vaxxers”, and promoted the alternatives to those of us with half a brain.
“But Trump promoted the vaccines!!” He also promoted the alternatives, and I’m the biggest Trump fan out there, yet I remain a pureblood. I didn’t need to take anything, but if I did need it, hopefully Congress would have left some for the rest of us.
The one where they really put their idiocy on display is “but but DeSantis would have fired Fauci!!” We know that’s not true.
DeSantis appointed his own Fauci in Florida and didn’t fire him. In fact, he extended his contract into 2021. The lie is “but he couldn’t fire Rivkees!” The truth is he was appointed by the Governor, who also extended his employment. Those are facts.
See how easy it is to smack down DeSantis camp idiocy?
“But Trump shoulda’ fired Fauci!!” The reality is Fauci was not under the executive branch and sat in a position that has no oversight. Trump couldn’t fire him anymore than he could fire you from your job. For some reason, this reality is rejected by the DeSantis NPCs and the “shoulda’ fired Fauci!” continues to be perpetually parroted.
Without being able to fire Fauci, he did the next best thing: he grabbed that lizard person by the scruff of his scaly neck and dragged him from the deep-state shadows pushed him onto center stage in front of the world, which is the ONLY reason you know his name in the first place.
“But Trump locked down the country!” The DeSantis NPCs say pretty stupid things, but this is definitely in the running for the top. Trump didn’t lock anyone down. 100% of all lock-down decisions were made by the governors. Trump didn’t lock down a single person.
So simple, yet they’ll kick and scream to blame Trump for the lock-downs. When I call them stupid, I’m not being mean, but matter of fact.
The lie then shifts to DeSantis being the anti-lockdown Governor. The reality is he did lock down Florida, FOLLOWING FAUCI’S GUIDELINES, even as Trump was pushing for states to re-open. Do you remember Trump preaching “cure can’t be worse than the problem” in 2020?
DeSantis didn’t remove all restrictions until 2021, and even promoted the vaxx into 2022. Governor DeSantis was on the wrong side of that so much so that he was threatening business who were staying open during the lock-downs.
“But Trump hired a bunch of swamp creatures!” This one drives me bonkers, especially since all his “bad hires” are now either on the DeSantis team or supporting him.
I’ve gone into detail in other articles, but to save typing, think back to the Senate makeup back in 2017 and 2018. Please name any position where Trump had a bad hire but could have rammed through a hardcore MAGA guy.
What hardcore MAGA was Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, McConnell, McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the RINO swamp lizards going to confirm? If you can’t name any, then perhaps factor that into your perspective. Look what happened to the ones he did get in, like Michael Flynn.
“But DeSantis has more endorsements than Trump!” Really? Here’s a point of perspective: Trump has more endorsements from state and local officials in Florida than DeSantis has in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.
Fundraising? DeSantis is at the bottom of the field. In fact, he’s maxed out, and the money he did raise, he can’t use in the general election. Think about that.
Today, the campaign had to cut 1/3 of staff, including precious never-Trump idiots like Will Chamberlain. Too little, too late.
The rats are trying to flee the ship, and sadly, many are begging to be brought back to the Trump campaign:
Donors and surrogates keep calling me to ask if Trump would be willingto forgive them.
I don't know, folks. I honestly don't even know the man.
But I do believe this... politics is one thing. Betrayal is another. You'll probably need to bend over and BRAND yourself in the ass before thinking it's all good.
I can go on, and didn’t even touch on some potential campaign finance illegalities and their ridiculous burn rate, but you get the point. DeSantis wasn’t a good candidate for President, and he surrounded himself with a bunch of ugly losers.
I’ll leave you with screenshots on the brilliance behind the campaign’s strategy:
Boy, DC, is it good to have you back! Don't ever leave us again. That's an order.
I'll forgive ya, but don't let it happen again. So glad to get this great news. I'll be looking forward to every one of them. Thanks!