The Sam Fried FTX scandal is massive
A few thoughts on this incredible bust and entanglement of deep state players.
If you’re not aware, there’s a massive implosion of a cryptocurrency exchange called FTX, run by a woke imbecile who can barely string a sentence together (classic fence post turtle) from MIT. He apparently has a physics degree, but Hussein Obama had a law degree, so go figure. After graduation, he did what most MIT physics grads do: get a job as a trader at a Wall Street firm. Sure.
Here’s a hilarious video on Fried that doesn’t age well:
Communists are the biggest proponents of “I don’t want to get rich for me, I want to get rich for YOU! I hate money! Yuk!” It’s so admirable that he drives around in a Toyota Corolla. It helps him get back and forth to his $44mm penthouse like regular working people.
Fried (I don’t do hyphens) checks all the deep-state groomed boxes that balance incompetence with prominence, like a Hussein or Mark Zuckerberg (no, he couldn’t write a line of code to save his life). Musk spotted he’s a phony immediately when pitched as Twitter CEO and investor (can you imagine?):
As a quick note, I’m not a crypto guy. I appreciate its value as a transactional medium, but certainly not as an investment, and definitely not as a threat to fiat currency. If you disagree, and you have some Bitcoin, send me 1 or 2 BTC; I’ll send it back to you later. It’s not a big deal. Your answer would likely be “Hell no! That’s about $30k!!”
I’ll do an article at another time as to why I’m not a crypto guy, but I just wanted to note that I’m not touching on the FTX bust from the perspective of a great proponent of cryptocurrencies, and I think all of the exchanges are on shaky ground. This is coming to light more as I write this.

Here’s an excellent post on the SBF collapse by Cognitive Carbon on the overview, although I diverge from him on crypto in general, e.g. I think the government WANTS it and to regulate it to open up their protected Ponzi schemes to decentralize their deep-state financing sources and take Congress’ power of the purse strings out of the loop, hence why we’re seeing the calls for “regulation.”

The video at the bottom of Cognitive Carbon’s article is an excellent informative walk-through of the FTX/Fried bust and the incestuous web of frontmen who couldn’t tell you what time of day it is, never mind run something like a crypto exchange.
There’s a lot more bubbling to the top, such as the arrangement with Ukraine, who “invested” in FTX with U.S. taxpayer money (you can thank Republicans in Congress), that funneled money to Democrat operatives and candidates.

I don’t believe for one second that the blatant deep-state financing laundromat that is Ukraine is going ignored and will be swept under the rug. I think there’s a civil war in the federal government, with a lot more patriots than we think.
The undercurrent of this collapse is it’s moving us into Epstein/CGI territory. Keep an eye out for this, and I’ll post about anything noteworthy that pops up.

Here’s a good 99 second summary on FTX:
It will be interesting to see if he’s investigated and arrested. Keep in mind, there’s always more going on in the background than we know.
now do CAMP LEJEUNE. if that is not a "Dems pass bill appropriating $$$$ / lawyers obviously grabbing lions share of these $$$$ / lawyers kicking back a chunk of these $$$$ to Dems" scam then I was indeed born yesterday.
I was thinking of another wealthy leftist RINO when I read this.
Anyway, ignore my earlier comment.