The other reason for the deep-state panic regarding Sam Fried and FTX (aside from exposure of pedo crimes)
Lots of sleepless nights, and there's a shortage of chairs after the music stopped.
As Sam Friedman runs around like everything’s fine, there’s an undercurrent of intense panic by those who thought they were lucky enough to bail and make out before the FTX implosion.
The reason: it’s called a “clawback”, and it’s sad times for those cozy with this scam:
Expect strange industry-related deaths in the upcoming months. This does not stop at party line:
Members of the House Freedom Caucus worked directly with Kevin McCarthy’s GOP establishment to block inquiries into FTX, the corrupt crypto exchange with links to Ukraine that bankrolled McCarthy’s political machine through the 2022 midterms. With the millions FTX and its executives provided to him, McCarthy waged war on America First candidates all over the country to protect establishment incumbents and consolidate support for his quest to become Speaker of the House.
I always had an instinctive skepticism of almost all crypto exchanges (there’s two I think may be legit), but this is looking to be the biggest financial meltdown in history, beyond what I could have ever imagined.
This is right at the front door of the deep-state. Example:
By the way, I’m THIS uncle:
"Made it 8 minutes into dinner before my uncle asked me how my imaginary internet money is doing"