I feel compelled to repeat that I couldn’t care less about social media, Twitter itself as a social media platform, or any platform in general. I don’t believe it carries any value in the preservation of our legally-protected free speech. You’re not mandated to be on Twitter or any other platform, regardless of how much the influencers and grifters dependent on follower counts tell you it’s important.
I’m interested in Twitter and Musk solely from a business and tech perspective, and how it highlights the incalculable idiocy of leftist tech and business punditry.
Musk is smart and has smart people around him. He seems to have his finger on the pulse of the people, and has an actual vision (something non-existent in today’s Silicon Valley) therefore I wouldn’t worry about Twitter devolving further into a communist propaganda distribution medium.
Ignore the fake news about Musk “illegally” firing woke dead weight in violation of California laws, and especially ignore dumb people like Lisa Bloom.

My favorite articles to read on this topic are from the communist tech sites, which is to say tech sites. From this piece from The Verge, written by Vjeran Pavic, who has literally no tech experience, if I close my eyes I can smell the salt from the tears that dripped into the crevices of his keyboard while authoring this article about how Twitter is just, like, totally doomed.
The areas of Twitter impacted the most by Musk’s cuts include its product trust and safety, policy, communications, tweet curation, ethical AI, data science, research, machine learning, social good, accessibility, and even certain core engineering teams, according to tweets by laid-off employees and people familiar with the matter. More company leaders, including Arnaud Weber, VP of consumer product engineering, and Tony Haile, a senior director of product overseeing Twitter’s work with news publishers, have also been laid off following Musk’s firings of Twitter’s senior leadership last week.
None of those areas cut have anything to do with the operations of Twitter. Engineers who’ve been cut were dead weight, especially as Tesla absorbs the engineering side of the house.
Given the sweeping nature of Musk’s layoffs and his mandate to cut costs in areas like cloud hosting, employees who remain at Twitter told The Verge that they expect the company to have a hard time maintaining critical infrastructure in the short term. “Shit is gonna start breaking,” said one current employee who requested anonymity to speak without the company’s permission, while another called management’s layoff process “an absolute shit show.”
In my decades in the tech business world, this notion that the operations will fail when this engineer leaves, or that guy is fired, almost always falls flat. If the product is that unstable, those engineers had to go anyway, because they built a piece of crap on a house of cards. The engineering team always seems to figure it out, and life goes on without the crybabies.
Second, the Tesla, SpaceX, and Boring engineers are more than capable of keeping services running. As I’ve previously posted, social media platforms are not rocket science. Musk’s engineers, however, actually work with rocket science.
Tweets from the soon-to-be Starbucks baristas maintain a boasting of “I’m proud of what we accomplished.” That’s them saying they’re proud to have censored and banned pro-American intellectual discourse, not unlike the commies up against the firing wall yelling “Long live Stalin!”
Currently, there’s layoffs by companies previously considered immortal happening right now. The non-coders may have a hard time with their employment if they’re not part of the privileged few finding refuge at Google and other such dying Silicon Valley companies willing to take them.
Coders will be fine. The culture and education system has created a void of coding talent, increasing demand. It’s my belief that the overwhelming majority of coders are more conservative and libertarian, so they’ll have no problems adapting to an environment that doesn’t glorify satanic behavior. Many of them who’ve worked for such satanic organizations for a long time, or are newbies and that was their first job into the corporate tech world, will need to adjust to sanity, but once they do they’ll never go back.
People who’ve never run as much as a lemonade stand are telling Musk he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s out of his depths. No sane, rational person believes that. Twitter’s previous management has committed many crimes in regards to their user metrics while bloating the payroll, yet somehow Musk is the one who’s over his head?
Another “tech” writer whose tech experience peaked when programming the time on her microwave oven wrote an article in Ars Technica:
With Twitter losing $3 million per day, Elon Musk has ordered whatever Twitter staff he has left to start making up the difference by cutting Twitter infrastructure costs by $1.5 to $3 million per day. Musk is hoping to save $1 billion in annual costs in what Reuters reported has been dubbed Twitter’s “Deep Cuts Plan,” part of Musk’s ongoing scramble to turn Twitter profits around, seemingly even if it risks platform outages during high-traffic times.
Twitter was losing over $4mm per day. Does it not make business sense to cut employees who contribute nothing to the product?
Reuters reports that the key goal of Musk’s Deep Cuts Plan is to cut back on costs for servers and cloud services, which could cause Twitter to become unstable during peak traffic times when users rely most on the platform for the most current updates. That includes during elections like the upcoming US midterms, as well as during moments of crisis like mass protests, acts of war, school shootings, or extreme weather events.
No. Cutting costs doesn’t mean the platform will therefore become unstable. That’s what a tech journalist who doesn’t know business and tech would say.
It doesn’t seem to matter to Musk much if the platform becomes unstable. According to Twitter staff sources and a Slack message reviewed by Reuters, Musk’s priority is apparently slashing costs as quickly as possible, setting a November 7 deadline for employees to identify cost-saving infrastructure cuts.
Why would it not matter to Musk, who scrounged up $44B of not only his money, but of others’ (more pressure) that the platform becomes unstable? Why would it make sense to anyone that Musk doesn’t care about the service?
When you’re reading these articles and hot takes from the commies, it’s stunning how they don’t know anything and common business sense is completely lost on them.
How about this?:
Oh boy. Some ex-employees are going to have some restless nights. It seems that place was nothing more than an incubator for malfeasance. Communists are the worst people who are the most corrupt and immoral in any culture, at any point in history.
By the way, when I call them “commies”, I’m not being flippant. They admit they’re communists:

I love it when people who think they’re entitled while possessing no marketable skill are terminated. Good riddance.
I leave you with the future of ex-Twitter employees:
No prettier sound than libs in dire pain.🤣🤣🤣🤣